Summer Training Group – Half Marathon 10K

  • It’s never too late to join
  • Structured group coaching on Saturday mornings 7:30 AM
  • Upcoming locations announced in weekly update, Facebook and Email
  • Target distances: 10K, half marathon, marathon
  • Target events: late Summer and Fall – Half Marathons and 10K
  • Beginners and couch potatoes are welcome

Walkers and Runners – all experience levels

Join Boise RunWalk’s group training program this Summer; runners and walkers, all experience levels, couch potatoes too. Join both the Spring and Summer group training programs for a full two seasons of group support, new friends, and great fun.

Half-Marathon? 10K? Marathon? Summer time!

Your 12-week Spring training program provides the group support and coaching you need for your target event in July. The Spring program also starts the 25-week marathon schedule towards a Fall marathon. It leads right into our popular Summer training program which has multiple target race events this late Summer and Fall.

Portland Marathon, City of Trees Marathon, Fifty Two Four

If you are targeting a fall marathon or the Fify Two Four series, we coaches want you start your training slowly. Make sure you are approaching the first few weeks with low intensity, and focus on the core strength, nutrition, and flexibility your training will demand. You have plenty of time to add the training volume you will need once you have built a base of low miles and freedom from injury by easing into it. Making new friends early will give you training buddies for those longer training days ahead.

Fifty Two Four (52.4)

It is a flat and fast out-and-back Greenbelt course with an early start and is great for a first half-marathon.

Prefer a 10K?

The 10K Spring training schedule starts at 1-2 miles. Many people prefer to first train for a 10K (6.2 miles) and this program provides a good re-introduction to running after a long layoff. The 10K program also works well for walkers learning to run, and everyone preparing for a half-marathon at the end of our Summer program.

Routes and Amenities

All our Spring program routes are on either the Greenbelt or in the foothills behind Camelsback Park in Hulls Gulch. Each week, our group and coaches will enjoy routes with water fountains or coolers and restrooms or portable toilets.

Saturday Morning Agenda

Most Saturday mornings we follow a basic agenda: first we meet on-time, have a discussion on topics important to your training, take a quick potty break, warm-up briefly, and then do our run/walk workout. Usually during the first half of a training season, the talk and discussion part of the agenda lasts longer (perhaps 30+ minutes). Later in the season on longer-distance Saturdays, we cut the discussion timeframe considerably. As the morning temperatures rise and the sun comes up earlier we’ll start meeting earlier. Over the course of a full season, you will enjoy direct participation in the group with your team of coaches on Saturday mornings prior to your workout. If you arrive early on Saturdays, your coaches are usually there 10 minutes in advance and are available for good back-and-forth banter and questions/answers.

Personal Coaching

Do you need additional coaching aside from the coaching you receive in Boise RunWalk’s group programs? Are you a non-member who is seeking a personal coach? For information, visit our personal coaching page.


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